Take the time to join us for a great lunch while visiting with friends and NEW connections at our quarterly Catoosa Women's Networking Luncheon and how to Find Balance in a Busy World with Linda Waterman.
Linda Waterman and her husband, Reen, own Waterman Communications Group
(WatermanCG.com). They co-author, ghostwrite, coach, and create author platforms for
writers seeking to take their message to the world. They also equip those desiring a
deeper walk with God through their ministry, Your Refreshed Life
(YourRefreshedLife.com. Linda writes a monthly newsletter and weekly blogs equipping
women to fulfill God’s unique purpose for their lives. Reen and Linda’s life passion and
mission is to “write, speak, and help people.”
Linda spent most of her life in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina where she
spent 20 years as author of more than 20 Christian books, curriculum writer for John
Maxwell, and Curriculum Coordinator helping to start the Billy Graham Training Center
at the Cove. Linda has also served as adjunct professor of writing and public speaking
for five universities, Women’s Ministry Director for five churches, and served as
Communications Specialist and Writer for the President of the Navigators in Colorado
Springs, CO.
Linda earned her Master’s degree in Journalism and Communications from Regent
University and her B.A. from Gordon College in Biblical and Theological Studies. Her
greatest joys are living in Chattanooga with her husband, Reen, and time spent with her
three children Ruthie, John, and Sarah, and their three grandchildren.